Are You Social, Mr. CEO?

Integrating data from social networks with other data sources is a big reason for companeis to invest in big data technologies and processes.  But at the top, is there sufficient understanding of the value of social networks and the data they generate? Are CEOs involved with this new medium of communications and interaction with customers, prospects, employees, partners, and suppliers? (sponsored by Domo) released today the 2012 Fortune 500 Social CEO Index, the results of research it conducted in May into the presence of Fortune 500 CEOs on social networks:

70.3% have no presence on social networks

29.7% have at least one profile on social networks

57.2% have a profile on a social network, contribute to a blog, or have their own entry on

With the exception of LinkedIn — F500 CEOs lagged far behind the general population in terms of social media participation. This may change in the future as a new generation will be moving into the C-suite (see here for data on social networking by young CEOs).  The results of the new study are summarized in the infographic below: