The Internet of Things is Social Media for Machines (Video)


A panel discussion at the Milken Institute Global Conference 2015, moderated by Michael Schrage, Research Fellow, MIT Sloan Initiative on the Digital Economy. Panelists: Marc Goodman, Author, ?Future Crimes?; Chair for Policy, Law and Ethics, Singularity University; Alex Hawkinson, Founder and CEO, SmartThings; Bridget Karlin, Managing Director, IoT Strategy and Technology Office, Internet of Things Group, Intel Corp.; Gary Shapiro, President and CEO, Consumer Electronics Association.

Schrage: “The glib way of thinking about the Internet of Things is social media for machines.”

Marc Goodman: “The concept of my refrigerator tweeting, snapchatting, or sexting is kind of disturbing.”

Shapiro: “The Internet spreads information; the Internet of Things is actually actionable information.”