Big Data Quotes of the Week

“I asked Hammond to predict what percentage of news would be written by computers in 15 years. At first he tried to duck the question, but with some prodding he sighed and gave in: ‘More than 90 percent.'” Steven Levy interviewing Kristian Hammond, Narrative Science’s CTO and cofounder, in Wired

“Not only are publishers brands but so are the content creators themselves. They (reporters) should have all the data transparent to them to understand what audience is resonating with them from a social perspective and leverage that data to grow the audience.”–Sachin Kamdar, CEO, in Digiday

“If you don’t have deep expertise in how energy is distributed or generated, if you don’t understand how a power plant runs, you’re not really going to be able to build an analytical model and do much with it. We have deep insight into several very specific areas. And that’s where we’re staying focused.”–Bill Ruh, VP, GE, in GE’s Billion-Dollar Bet on Big Data

“The problem that a lot of companies face is that they don’t know what they don’t know, as former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld would say. The job of the data scientist isn’t simply to uncover lost nuggets, but discover new ones and more importantly, turn them into actions.”–Ben Rooney in the Wall Street Journal

“On Facebook, under the heading of Religious Views, my profile says: ‘In God we trust. All others, bring data.’”–Bill Clerico, CEO, WePay, in Wired