Data is Eating the World Quotable Quotes
Gartner’s Dave Aron’s Poems on the Digital Zeitgeist
I would like to suggest a new form of digital poem – the denshi. (??). Haiku are 17 syllable poems, structured in a 5-7-5 syllable format, that tend to be about nature and the seasons, and are normally serious. Senryu (??) are similar 5-7-5 structure poems that tend to be about human nature, and may be humorous. I would like to propose a new form – Denshi (??) – that are 5-7-5 structure poems about the digital world, that occasionally miss out small words – like text messages, and are intended to make us think. Six examples are below.
Beyond processes/ Broader still than industries/ A digital world
Not just ERP/ All objects electronic/ A digital storm
Digital torrent/ But will IT team lead?/ Somehow ironic
My kids’ IT stuff/ Beats my corporate IT/ Digital surprise
Budget season arrives/ It’s hard to see beyond cost/ Preserve Innovation
Digital excitement/Meets analog inertia/ Legacy bites back