The Startup that Already Invented What Facebook Wants to Be
Disrupting the Car Industry
CB Insights:
While self-driving tech — which is included in the infographic above — receives the lion’s share of media attention, a host of less-heralded startups are targeting specific pieces of automotive infrastructure or components. For example, companies including Quanergy, LeddarTech, and TriLumina are seeking to capitalize on the self-driving revolution by dramatically lowering the cost of expensive LiDAR sensors.
Startups such as Veniam and Savari are developing vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-anything (V2X) communications, another autonomous-adjacent technology field. With increasing automotive connectivity seemingly inevitable, vehicle cybersecurity has also begun to emerge as a focus, with newer players like Karamba Security joining others such as Argus Cyber Security.